Marjoram, Cat’s claw, comfrey root,fennel seeds, chicory herb, uva ursi, hydrangea root, gravel root, golden rod herb.
Drink a few sips at a time throughout the day. do no drink it all at once. the reason why it should not be consumed at one time is to achieve slow and continuous dissolution of crystals and stones throughout the day.
If you experience stiffness or ache in the area of the lower back this is normal. The crystals and stones will be dissolving.
Before bedtime, soak about 2 heaping tablespoons of the kidney mixture in 16 oz. (240 Ml) of water, cover it, and leave it covered overnight,
The fallowing morning, bring the concoction to a boil; then lower put on simmer for 10 mins, then strain it.
drink kidney tea for three weeks. (3-weeks)
Any strong smell and darkening of the urine at the beginning of or during the kidney cleanse indicates a major release of toxins.
Important instructions:
drink enough filtered water, spring water and a maximum of 6 and a maximum of 8 glasses per day, unless the color of the urine is dark-yellow. Then drink more.
during the entire cleanse, try to avoid consuming animal products, including meat, dairy foods (except butter), fish, eggs, tea, coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, chocolate, and an other foods or beverages that contain caffeine, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, coloring agents,
if you have large kidney stones juice lemon or limes in water (as concentrated as possible.) every day.